“ARE YOU A PERFECT DAD?” 6/15/2024 Written by Kathy Boecher for “atimetoshare”

“Our Daily Bread”     http://odb.org

The Daily Devotions of Greg Laurie    http://www.harvest.org/devotional   

   Matthew 5:48

Written by Kathy Boecher for “atimetoshare” @   http://atimetoshare.me

Original post @ https://atimetoshare.me/2024/06/11/are-you-a-perfect-dad/


Posted on June 11, 2024 by atimetoshare.me

Part of being a good father is all the funny things they have to tell their children – like the ones you see in the image I’ve chosen for today. How many times have you used phrases like, “I had to walk a mile to school every day – in a blizzard – with plastic bread bags inside my boots – with the wind in my face.” or “You have no idea how good you have it.” The things we say to our children can have a fierce effect on them as they begin their own families. It seems history often repeats itself and we find ourselves saying the same silly things.

As far as discipline is concerned, when I was a child (I really dislike that phrase as well.) spankings weren’t considered child abuse, but my dad never laid a hand on me. The piercing glare in his eyes was like a double-edged sword. Those looks were more painful than any spanking.

His sharp words were also hurtful, but in the long run, they held more clout than anything. I now realize that those looks and words were intended for my good, but at the time I didn’t think so.

Despite the fact that he wasn’t the “Father Knows Best” dad that all kids wanted their dads to be, he did the best he could.  Living with three females couldn’t have been easy for him. Getting time in our one-bathroom apartment, was an accomplishment in itself. At the least he must’ve felt outnumbered, but he knew how to stand his ground. I know he loved us, even though he didn’t often say it.  He would brag about us when we weren’t present because he didn’t want us to get big heads.

I learned some valuable life lessons from him even though I didn’t realize it at the time.  I learned to work hard for the things I wanted in life.  In fact, I learned to do more than was expected.  I also found that life isn’t always easy and that we have to take the good with the bad.  I discovered that I should never underestimate myself or my abilities.  He taught me to dream.

My dad was only 61 years old when he died.  Before his death, I wrote him a letter to express my love for him.  Here is an excerpt from that letter:

“When I was growing up there were times I couldn’t understand you.  I often thought you didn’t know a thing.  When I became a parent, I realized that you were one of the wisest men I’ve ever known.  You shaped my life into something I can be proud of.  Our children are with us for such a short time and we’re never sure if we’ve done all we could for them.  You did your job, Dad.  I hope you know that and because of it I will love you forever.”

Being a perfect dad is impossible, just like it’s impossible to be all that God wants us to be.  We can try to meet the requirements, but we always fall short.  The beauty of God’s Fatherly love is that He looks beyond our imperfections and loves us anyway.


P.S. (from bruce)  When there is no other place to turn…turn to God !!  If you’re not a “born again” Christian, is the Holy Spirit urging you to open this link ??  Here is the truth about how God’s grace is received to become a Christian in God’s eyes; through understanding and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…   https://godsmanforever.com

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel free to share this message of the cross with those in need…

Picture credit: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c25313c4b5559b8f&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1112US1112&sxsrf=ADLYWII69h2m_Kig9ez8U2g2oAzrDgAv4g:1718454841522&q=image+mat5:48&udm=2&source=univ&fir=SSDG171Gz978bM%252CBp4XSrXoVy_yEM%252C_%253B0jSWH_gtOKCFpM%252CeUlSlzSOfoRg1M%252C_%253BHcLq_9frHrA_ZM%252Cu_60OqQN2TNz-M%252C_%253BY7Ymk9T8dDzk5M%252CLgANLgh3YuVIvM%252C_%253Bo2gSlNiCSEAgPM%252CCUQaVPw79CQaDM%252C_%253Bpq6Gx6D7545mHM%252CW_W9SIkgJ5JJDM%252C_%253BMpgrC_Ta4QgNQM%252CW77puSE62P1KwM%252C_%253BzJM2_OUblu2ImM%252CeZ8CMyztlpvA2M%252C_%253B4QyHdU0LtEKeMM%252CTlQ4s6NozP0YcM%252C_%253BGVv28_n5XxBIQM%252C8iePVFy6JukGIM%252C_%253BIvLLFRrY0ychGM%252CTnQsjuGMVSnXXM%252C_%253BT8odxP1aNYOb1M%252C8X8FcegZR8ha3M%252C_%253BprjVDZDB0UczMM%252CRT08R5O-bmqFrM%252C_%253BwWGo6Cp32n2YgM%252CQmRhR9yOqjdUmM%252C_%253BG-JO3VM03-TY7M%252C8ijc6EKyiFLlIM%252C_%253B5DY1zJd7xCqDqM%252CusJ0B-sPpcuBAM%252C_%253B_ML_PgiWL6olwM%252CoXfB0ySm6Pmt-M%252C_%253Bd4zn1FVEv7Z7qM%252CsWL3-pg2dU6q4M%252C_%253BTfxrl1ACnVHqOM%252Cxn3Ntr-m3OpphM%252C_%253BbSmkOZyEV5YDAM%252CvQCy4BW2zxLURM%252C_%253BqDbA7XaTRFdbHM%252CvQCy4BW2zxLURM%252C_%253BIl8XbyqFeSdnkM%252CCkbB2WOiOZOQrM%252C_%253B5oKqEvKEsaoOvM%252CW_W9SIkgJ5JJDM%252C_%253BG6WNl99IOmVyHM%252CC8bbnPNHN34VYM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQH-Zl0IXDtuGau-cDDm2G6EXEOhQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinw5CTz92GAxU7DHkGHTaCDDQQ7Al6BAgnEAw&biw=1302&bih=910&dpr=1#vhid=4QyHdU0LtEKeMM&vssid=mosaic

About Godsmanforever

I present posts about God's Word, with a personal focus on how God's grace is received through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... Sinners must understand and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ... See this link for more... https://godsmanforever.com/2014/10/26/the-truth-about-sin-10262014-by-bruce-reposted-from-7112013/
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