“The Pursuit of Wisdom Brings Security” 7/07/2023 Written by Dawn Ivey for “Drawing closer to Christ”

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The Pursuit of Wisdom (Proverbs) — Saraland Christians

Written by  Dawn Ivey for “Drawing closer to Christ” @  https://drawingclosertochrist.com

Original post @  https://drawingclosertochrist.com/2023/07/03/the-pursuit-of-wisdom-brings-security

  The Pursuit of Wisdom Brings  Security

Proverbs 2:1-5 AMP

1 My son, if you will receive my words
And treasure my commandments within you,

2 So that your ear is attentive to [skillful and godly] wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding [seeking it conscientiously and striving for it eagerly];

3 Yes, if you cry out for insight,
And lift up your voice for understanding;

4 If you seek skillful and godly wisdom as you would silver and search for her as you would hidden treasures;

5 Then you will understand the [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome]
And discover the knowledge of God.

Photo by: Quang Nguyen Vinh of Vietnam 

These verses encourage us to pursue godly wisdom and understanding. Through godly wisdom and understanding, we can see people and situations from God’s perspective. We can also make decisions that are in line with God’s will. Godly wisdom and understanding will help us to stay secure in God’s truth and love. So don’t hesitate to cry out to the Lord for insight, no matter what you are facing.


P.S. (from bruce)  When there is no other place to turn…turn to God !!  If you’re not a “born again” Christian, is the Holy Spirit urging you to open this link ??  Here is the truth about how God’s grace is received to become a Christian in God’s eyes; through understanding and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…   https://godsmanforever.com

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel free to share this message of the cross with those in need…

You say you are a “born again” believer…  BUT is your soul ON FIRE for the Lord ??  If not, open this link – https://godsmanforever.com/2020/08/01/are-you-a-christian-in-gods-eyes-and-on-fire-for-the-lord-or-not/

Picture Credit: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SLLM_enUS1047US1047&sxsrf=AB5stBjt6gZ3FINYgniRAwgQgOoSFjwJNQ:1688729687508&q=image+pursue+wisdom+Bible&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=CMJ233mTxjnAtM%252CysvXmUJLyTCXKM%252C_%253BGRCZcBKjf8nsCM%252CegwsBUmyzDfSjM%252C_%253BxOUYnnNbHhqwOM%252CegwsBUmyzDfSjM%252C_%253BU7VFlQTkhZGWVM%252C-5RuQ_o-7vWAHM%252C_%253BAsQQzrn1oaELXM%252CPY-MTP6apy7pdM%252C_%253BXyVOo26WSdg3yM%252C_NqsnCK5xlK1rM%252C_%253BIgKvezo0bEPaDM%252CJ0q-u9l9NSd0qM%252C_%253BFWnbMurrVKpxGM%252Cg3Cjw5Qh9zBCoM%252C_%253BxzN6hBqdeHTeXM%252CLHRFg9A_cZXJXM%252C_%253BZi0BUbA1EfnHsM%252CmE7Mr6Hdl-Zj2M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTvJ5O27jOwjXV98vaW8cIgMMES7A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih4pSpwPz_AhWGjYkEHYqNAD0Q7Al6BAgOEEo&biw=814&bih=492&dpr=1.25#imgrc=_O5MWd0EYIAMMM

About Godsmanforever

I present posts about God's Word, with a personal focus on how God's grace is received through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... Sinners must understand and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ... See this link for more... https://godsmanforever.com/2014/10/26/the-truth-about-sin-10262014-by-bruce-reposted-from-7112013/
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