“AND THE HEAT IS ON!” 8/26/2023 Posted by Pastor Randy Burbank for “Kingdom Pastor”

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Posted by Pastor Randy Burbank  for “Kingdom Pastor”  @  https://kingdompastor.wordpress.com

Original post @ https://kingdompastor.wordpress.com/2023/08/21/and-the-heat-is-on/


Posted on August 21, 2023 by Pastor Randy

Yep! This is going to be our weather this week in Mt. Vernon, Alabama! Now before you Texans and Arizonans laugh at us Alabamians, you need to factor in this thing called the Heat Index. Heat Index factors in the humidity level; which here in Alabama runs anywhere between 100% and 376%. This means our feel-like temperature is somewhere between the temperature needed to boil water and hell’s front porch. This is why vehicles with black interiors are preferred; we don’t have to worry about someone hiding in the back seat. And you may wonder why I’m rambling on about temperatures; so I will tell you.

Just in case you haven’t noticed, the heat is on–on those of us who follow (or at least claim to follow) Jesus. The world is really looking at us because of what’s been happening (and continues to happen) in our nation and culture. And how we are reacting will determine whether or not this hot mess intensifies or not. In complete honesty, much of what I’m about to write I said in yesterday’s message. (If you care to watch and listen, click here)

When it comes to the problems we are facing–as a nation–or family–or community–or individually–there are only 4 ways to react and respond. And you will find your reaction and response in one of them:

  • We Can Be Indifferent. Being indifferent is living in an imaginary world.  Pretending there isn’t a problem doesn’t make the problem go away.  A few decades there was a group called The Silent Majority.  What they should have be called is The Indifferent Majority.  Not caring has led us to this point in history.
  • We Can Complain. This appears to be what most folks are doing these days.  Complaining is usually about blaming.  But since when does complaining change anything?  It doesn’t!  Never has and never will!
  • We Can Give Up. You hear this from people who want Jesus to come back right now.  Giving Up is what Satan wants you to do.  And it is the coward’s way out of accepting responsibility.  Yes, cowards give up.
  • Or We Can Follow God’s Plan. God cares!  God doesn’t sit on His Throne to Just Complain.  And God Never Gives Up!  If you think God has given up, then you are following, serving, and worshipping the wrong god!

God’s plan for today is the same one he gave through the prophet Jeremiah. It’s found in Jeremiah Chapter 29, Verses 1-24. God had been telling them to respond and react to their situation by Option 4–to turn their hearts and minds back to Him and His Plan for their lives–or they would be led away into captivity. Well, they thought that God would NEVER do that! Guess what? He did! And though they were living in Babylon, God still had a plan. And it’s THE Plan that will work for us today. Here it is:


If you believe you are defeated, then you act like you’re defeated.  And when you act like you’re defeated, you live like you are defeated!  And you are defeated!  Pay attention to what God told Israel—because He’s telling us the very same thing! Look at and listen again to Verses 5 & 6—

Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce.  Marry and have children.  Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren.  Multiply!  Do not dwindle away.

People who show fear—influence others to be afraid.  People who show anger—influence people to be angry.  People who show despair—influence people to live in despair.  People who show frustration—influence people to live in frustration.  Get the point?  Great!

Our World Needs To See A People Who Are Unmoved And Unshaken By What’s Going On In The World.  Our world needs to see people who are confident and hopeful about the future.  And the only people that I know of—who can exemplify and model confidence and peace—are the people of God.  And why not?  God isn’t shaken up by what’s happening—remember, even though there will be 70 years of captivity for the Jews—God’s still got plans for them!  And His plans include a purpose found in the mess they are in—and the mess we are in.  We have every reason NOT to be shaken because—Folks, We Are Serving The Unshakeable God Who Specializes In The Impossible!


Pray FOR people—and not against them.  If you pray against someone, you are praying to fail yourself.  Listen to Verse 7 again—

And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile.  Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.

Did you catch that last line?  I mean—Do You Really Understand What God Expects From His People In Times Like This?  Just in case you missed it—I’ll read it one more time:  For Its Welfare Will Determine Your Welfare.  We’re not here to create a Christian Nation—But To Be Kingdom Influencers For Jesus!

If you don’t pray for the PEACE of those causing the chaos, you won’t have any Peace either.  I’m going to tell you something based on my observations.  I don’t have a Gallup Poll or The Pew Research Center survey to back it up.  But here it is—for what it’s worth:  I’m Not Seeing Nor Am I Hearing A Lot Of This!  I hear a lot of complaining and blaming.  I’m seeing a lot of anger and frustration.

But God told Israel—and He’s telling us the same thing—To Pray And Work For The Peace And Prosperity Of Those Who You See As The Problem.

I’ll be the first to admit it—I don’t really want to do that.  I want to see them drown in the dribble they are putting out there.  But if I am going to take God seriously—and if I’m going to follow Jesus and be part of The Kingdom—then that’s exactly what I must do.  And so must you!


We can’t expect our world to change if we are not willing to at least see if WE need to change.  God’s plan includes each and every person who calls themselves a follower of Jesus.  The only way we can know God’s Plans is if we are completely and constantly surrendered to Him! Look again at Verses 13 & 14—

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.  I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes.  I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”

I can’t speak for you—but I can speak for me.  OK?  It’s Easier To See The Flaws In People I May Not Agree WithThan It Is To See My Own Sins.  The thought and idea of a Casual Relationship with God—just doesn’t work for any of us.  Church, let’s admit it—We’ve Gotten Sloppy!  We are focused more on what’s out there—than WHO is up there on the throne in Sovereign Control of Everything.

When we put all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength into seeking God—I mean all of it—God will reveal Himself to us.  Even in Babylon—our Babylon—God is revealing Himself to people who seek for Him with their whole heart!  And in revealing His Presence—He Shows Us His Purpose:  The Redemption And Restoration Of Fallen And Broken People!

Back then, they were probably thinking that there would be a voice in Nebuchadnezzar’s court that would advocate for them.  I mean, he had chosen to incorporate into this palace staff some of those who had been led into exile.  They were hoping for a political solution.  And they were looking in the wrong place.

And it’s no different now.  Today People Are Looking For A Political Solution To A Spiritual Problem!  Looking for political solutions will only deepen the crisis—and hasten the collapse of our nation and our society.

Hear me out.  God’s Plan Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With Trump OR Biden.  God’s Plan Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With Any Political Party Or Candidate.  It Has Nothing To Do With Indictments Or What’s Happening In Washington, D.C.! It has everything to do with the Redemption And Restoration Of Fallen And Broken People!  God has always been about redeeming and restoring.

And since we can’t follow Jesus, We All Have A Next Step To Take:

  1. If you are indifferent, begin to care and care deeply!
  2. If you are indifferent, begin to care and care deeply!
  3. If you think the only solution is the return of Jesus, then change your thinking!
  4. Accept our responsibility to become the solution!

The Solution is simple—Be an example of the values of The Kingdom Of God!  Ever heard the expression:  “Be the change you want to see!”  Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?  But it’s a complete and total LIE!  Don’t be the change that YOU want to see.  Sometimes we see things the wrong way.  That’s why Jeremiah told them—and is telling us—to seek after God! For then—and only then—can we see life and people the way HE sees them.  Let me give you a different expression:



P.S. (from bruce)  When there is no other place to turn…turn to God !!  If you’re not a “born again” Christian, is the Holy Spirit urging you to open this link ??  Here is the truth about how God’s grace is received to become a Christian in God’s eyes; through understanding and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…   https://godsmanforever.com

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel free to share this message of the cross with those in need…

You say you are a “born again” believer…  BUT is your soulON FIRE for the Lord ??  If not, open this link – https://godsmanforever.com/2020/08/01/are-you-a-christian-in-gods-eyes-and-on-fire-for-the-lord-or-not/

Picture credit:  https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=560322490&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS832US832&sxsrf=AB5stBg0FexUl9YgOMa8Cmq2_z0PHSE8_A:1693050319540&q=image+be+changed+by+God+Bible&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=OiGoHjHvEiuw-M%252CicA0Ybm7H5IaiM%252C_%253BZKYtpKSMwXEt_M%252CdQ1HWe34y7UVGM%252C_%253B8zbYRbVvzo9RkM%252CouLlrnl_lT2qDM%252C_%253Bdj4GXtGjcbXRdM%252CdQ1HWe34y7UVGM%252C_%253BpkFsFMaUPYUwRM%252CcAmXU8K9Rzpj3M%252C_%253Bqxi_BC9dpCaeZM%252CicA0Ybm7H5IaiM%252C_%253BT3aHiqk1Sxsr0M%252CgME1EEZoTri8AM%252C_%253BKCfCrxto8k8CrM%252CquEUodB-GzB0DM%252C_%253BbseXUINEruTVNM%252Cmln2T7-kciugmM%252C_%253BoYJyIo_bbnYzDM%252C0u7eWzWRzyP3BM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQNUY9MZPZcYSLExQZdOjAGbVw5dQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjw7Yf3n_qAAxUshYkEHQBtBwUQ7Al6BAhEEE4&biw=1347&bih=954&dpr=1#imgrc=rmf7iOkc4oRfdM

About Godsmanforever

I present posts about God's Word, with a personal focus on how God's grace is received through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... Sinners must understand and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ... See this link for more... https://godsmanforever.com/2014/10/26/the-truth-about-sin-10262014-by-bruce-reposted-from-7112013/
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