“Holy Whispers” 8/28/2023 Written by Nancy Ruegge for “From The Inside Out”

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The Daily Devotions of Greg Laurie    http://www.harvest.org/devotional

Mark 10 Verse 27 - WJOU

Written by Nancy Ruegge for “From The Inside Out” @  http://nancyaruegg.com

View original post @ https://nancyaruegg.com/2023/08/03/holy-whispers/



Holy Whispers

Imagine hosting an ultra-special guest in your home, someone well-loved and well-known. One evening you pass the open door of his room and see him kneeling by the bed in prayer.

His words are barely audible but in that moment, you happen to hear your name.

Would you stop and listen, to see what this respected man considered important for you? I’m thinking you would.

Long ago, someone well-loved and well-known did pray for you and for me—Jesus—and at a most unexpected time, the night before his crucifixion.

Painting by Marcilio Soares

Think of it.  Jesus–the most significant Person in all of history–prayed for you and me.

If I knew that tomorrow would be a day of horrific pain and then death, I’d be praying for strength and courage. But Jesus’ prayer centered on his disciples and then he said:

That’s us—the people down through the centuries who’ve heard the story of Jesus and believe in him as the Son of God.

Are you curious about what Jesus considered important? I’m thinking we should be.

What follows is a selection of those requests, the holy whispers Jesus presented to our Heavenly Father that night:

First, “keep them in your name” (John 17:11).

This is a prayer of protection, that we’d be preserved in the name of God, through his attributes at work for our benefit: his compassion to care for us, power to sustain, goodness to bless, wisdom to guide, and more.

Not that we won’t experience difficulty, but Jesus prayed we won’t be overcome by it.

Second, “possess the full measure of my joy within” (v. 13).

This is not the joy we experience in human relationships or happy events. This is the joy we experience in Christ alone, based on who he is and what he’s done as our Savior, Shepherd, Immanuel (God with us), and Light of life—to name a few of his titles.

These glorious realities can cause joy to well up in our hearts, even while troubles seethe around us. This is what Jesus desires for us.

 Third, “protect them from the evil one” (v. 15).

Satan wants to take us out. He tirelessly works to increase our desire for harmful things. He’ll tell us it’s no big deal, offer excuses for the behavior, and minimize our ability to think through the consequences of sinful choices. 

BUT! Jesus has prayed for our protection. We can fight against temptation with God’s Word, just as Jesus did, as well as exercise his power to fight.  We also have the assurance God won’t allow any temptation that we can’t withstand [1].

Fourth, “sanctify them by the truth” (v. 17).

Jesus would have us consecrated to God, growing into his likeness through obedience, and becoming more intimate with him.

How? We begin by spending time in His Word. That’s how we come to know him.

To truly know him is to love him, and to truly love him is to want to please him by obedience.

Many believe following God’s ways will lead to dissatisfaction in life, but in reality obedience leads to peace, joy, and contentment [2].

These are the qualities of life Jesus desires for us.   

Fifth, “be with me and see my glory” (v. 24).

I’m reminded of Christmastime, when empty-nesters such as Steve and me look forward to the full gathering of family, to share in the glories of the season together.

Similarly, Jesus looks forward to the day when we’ll all be together with our Heavenly Father, to share in his celestial glory!

Study further this prayer of Jesus and discover more concerns that he addressed, and then understand: this was not a single prayer offered once for all time.

He is still praying for us continually [3]—holy whispers of love and compassion, with a desire that we experience his best.

Soak in the wonder of such a reality.

P.S. Another quality Jesus prayed we’d experience? Unity. See Jesus’ Prayer for You for a meditation on that topic.

[1] Luke 4:1-13; 2 Peter 1:3 NASB; 1 Corinthians 10:13

[2] Job 22:21; John 15:10-11; Psalm 119:35

[3] Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 2:1

Art & photo credits: http://www.rawpixel.comhttp://www.commons.wikimedia.org (Marcilio Soares); http://www.commons wikimedia.org; http://www.dailyversers.net (2); http://www.canva.comhttp://www.publicdomainpictures.net (George Hodan).


P.S. (from bruce)  When there is no other place to turn…turn to God !!  If you’re not a “born again” Christian, is the Holy Spirit urging you to open this link ??  Here is the truth about how God’s grace is received to become a Christian in God’s eyes; through understanding and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…   https://godsmanforever.com



To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel free to share this message of the cross with those in need…



You say you are a “born again” believer…  BUT is your soul ON FIRE for the Lord ??  If not, open this link – https://godsmanforever.com/2020/08/01/are-you-a-christian-in-gods-eyes-and-on-fire-for-the-lord-or-not/



Picture credit: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=560664892&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS832US832&sxsrf=AB5stBiAUuC78eujJlCCN-8u0BxxIG8f6Q:1693223999164&q=image+Mark+10:27&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=MdrN71aLmrUxCM%252Ca7GPz2G_SSDN4M%252C_%253B6fKMtNdhGH-rWM%252CDW7rtmcjjL4MRM%252C_%253BNM34gq2faAkI2M%252CV5fy9yC0m4ofXM%252C_%253BwuyanSzyn_jqeM%252CKf91HmDuSjR3OM%252C_%253BJ0Q-0GszIUVS4M%252CZAUcLdQZbMLB8M%252C_%253BCRo2lw2Es3eAfM%252CV5fy9yC0m4ofXM%252C_%253B6YRgWobhsNm-5M%252C5oSiVukczqZiaM%252C_%253BmWstqxk052tLnM%252CDW7rtmcjjL4MRM%252C_%253BwqwBAsSGW4FdqM%252CCNFN6mOWY9REeM%252C_%253B5TDsk7_d6rxdwM%252Ci_IfTP8aT7slHM%252C_%253ByUithOqcO3S0JM%252C1GEGY8pBS8BSgM%252C_%253BhIW03jFXP9U_2M%252CGbWhJGTI2LgF4M%252C_%253B2y5Nvi1tYm3YkM%252CIPaD64iBqCGCvM%252C_%253BntX4etxgB-u8JM%252C6YIbcLWTbAQqZM%252C_%253BeYj8EtX3ML1h0M%252CPN4cYbfVD8mZoM%252C_%253BqA0bZELzgOFweM%252CDW7rtmcjjL4MRM%252C_%253BRjTkpwPGg4Aj1M%252CeMaXEblesS3mpM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRmaRv-qAXXpen8qJBjww8NxNAEEQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO4vr3pv-AAxWHj4kEHa4pDDAQ7Al6BAgiED8&biw=1347&bih=954&dpr=1#imgrc=6R6MKr8cbr-1lM


About Godsmanforever

I present posts about God's Word, with a personal focus on how God's grace is received through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... Sinners must understand and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ... See this link for more... https://godsmanforever.com/2014/10/26/the-truth-about-sin-10262014-by-bruce-reposted-from-7112013/
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